6:30pm, Wednesday 21st April 2021
E & D Litis Stadium
General Nature of Business:
- Membership Process
- Inclusivity within the club
- Outcomes of AGM
- Election of Committee
Dear Members, Players and Supporters
The Committee of Floreat Athena Soccer Club Incorporated held the Annual General Meeting (AGM) on 31st March 2021 at E and D Litis Stadium. A motion was raised and supported by the members present to stand down current Committee Members and appoint an Interim Committee (The Interim Committee) to oversee operations until the election of a New Committee.
Further and in addition to the motion raised and carried, a letter with the signatures of 77 members was handed to The Committee to convene a Special General Meeting (SGM). The signatures of 77 members represented more than 20% of the Members of Floreat Athena Soccer Club Incorporated.
The purpose of the letter is to inform the stakeholders of the following matters:
1- Notice of the SGM is attached, giving members 14 days’ notice and information concerning time, date, place, nature of matters to be considered and notice of members who have expressed interest in the vacant Committee Positions, as dictated by the Constitution.
Special general meetings
(1) The committee may convene a special general meeting.
(2) The committee must convene a special general meeting if at least 20% of the members require a special general meeting to be convened.
(3) The members requiring a special general meeting to be convened must — (a) make the requirement by written notice given to the secretary; and (b) state in the notice the business to be considered at the meeting; and (c) each sign the notice.
(4) The special general meeting must be convened within 28 days after notice is given under sub rule (3)(a).
(5) If the committee does not convene a special general meeting within that 28 day period, the members making the requirement (or any of them) may convene the special general meeting.
(6) A special general meeting convened by members under sub rule (5) — (a) must be held within 3 months after the date the original requirement was made; and (b) may only consider the business stated in the notice by which the requirement was made. (7) The Association must reimburse any reasonable expenses incurred by the members convening a special general meeting under sub rule (5).
2- New and Renewing members of Floreat Athena Football Club
The interim board will not be considering new memberships. Those new memberships that were accepted by the Previous Board on 29 March 2021 will stand (with full voting rights). Those 2020 members who wish to renew their memberships for 2021 may do so at the membership desk from 2.30 to 3.30 on Saturday 10 April 2021 in the clubhouse.
3- EOI for Committee Positions Committee Positions for consideration are:
- President/Chairperson (valid until AGM for the next even year - 2022)
- Vice-President (valid until AGM for the next odd year – 2023)
- Secretary (valid until AGM for the next odd year – 2023)
- Treasurer (valid until AGM for the next even year - 2022)
- 2 x General Board Members (valid until AGM for the next odd year – 2023)
- 3 x General Board Members (valid until AGM for the next even year – 2022)
Unlike an election at an Annual General Meeting, election of board members at a special general meeting does not require a 42 day nomination process. Any member wishing to have their intention to stand for election to a position may:
- Send written notification of their expression of interest to stand for a Board position at the Special General Meeting to the Secretary including which position they are interested in for (President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, general board member)
- Include a statement about themselves and their interest in becoming a committee member.
- Hold a full standard membership at the club
- These expressions of interest will be displayed on the Notice Board at the club within 24 hours of receipt.
As per the constitution, the Chairperson at the SGM will also call for EOI from ordinary members at the meeting.
The floor EOI’s will be included in the already received EOI’s on the ballot papers which will be distributed for voting purposes.
4- Voting by Proxy
- An ordinary member may appoint an individual who is an ordinary member as the members proxy to vote and speak on the member’s behalf at a general meeting.
- An ordinary member may be appointed the proxy for not more than five other members.
- The appointment of a proxy must be in writing and signed by the member making the appointment.
- Proxy forms are attached or available from the Secretary.
- Proxy form must be received by the secretary before the commencement of the general meeting and if sent by post or electronically 24 hours before the commencement of the meeting.
- Please see the constitution for more details.
If you have any questions regarding the information above please do not hesitate to get in touch.
We thank you for your support during this time of transition and look forward to a bright future for our club! We also look forward to seeing you this Saturday 10 April 2021 at home when our Senior Teams take on Inglewood.
Yours Sincerely,
Lauren Spenceley, on behalf of;
The Interim Committee
To view the constitution, click here.
To view the Proxy form, click here.